Interestingly enough the list of all of the basic human rights were are due to be afforded was actually detailed by God back at the time the Isrealites were liberated from Egypt. They were listed in this handy little thing called the 10 Commandments. Now before we go into what they are, let's highlight some of the things that are NOT basic human rights. It would appear that many people assume that things that we take for granted are actually privileges, and luxuries, not "rights."
Heath insurance, is NOT a basic human right. It is something that YOU pay for in order to minimize the cost of health care. To assume that someone else should pay for this so you can have proper health care is actually in violation of one of the actual basic human rights. More on that later.
Health care, is NOT a basic human right. It is a personal responsibility, which may, or may not, cost a lot of money to maintain. Which is why we have health insurance to offset the costs of dealing with health issues.
Abortion, is NOT a basic human right. It is actually murder of an innocent human being, which, incidentally, is a violation of one of the actual basic human rights. More on that later.
Earning a "living wage," is NOT a basic human right. It is a personal responsibility to earn enough money to pay for the things you consume. So if you are not earning enough money to pay for the things you want, or "need," then you need to find a way to get more money. Preferably by finding a job that pays more than say, "minimum wage." Obtaining money through other means is, arguably, in violation of one of the actual basic human rights. More on that later.
Being treated with respect, is NOT a basic human right. It is a fundamental societal duty, and a way to indirectly bring glory to God by treating those around us the way we want to be treated. Matthew 7:12
I could go one, but lets actually get to what the true basic human rights are, shall we?
First we must look at the source. Exodus 20:1-20
Roughly half of these commandments indirectly highlight what our actual human rights are:
The First Basic Human Right: This is actually encapsulated within the first four commandments and it has to do with honoring God. Yes, it is a basic human right to honor and worship God and not put anything in His place.
The Second Basic Human Right: You shall not murder. This means you have the basic human right to not have your life taken from you. This also means you do NOT have the right to take the life of another human being. Yes, this includes the unborn ones. Also, this means we have the right to defend ourselves from anyone who wish to do us harm, by any means necessary.
The Third Basic Human Right: You shall not commit adultery. This means you have the basic human right not to be cheated on by your spouse.
The Fourth Basic Human Right: You shall not steal. This means you have the basic human right not to have anything stolen from you.
The Fifth Basic Human Right: You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. Anyone other than you is your neighbor. This means you have the basic human right not to be lied to, about anything.
Anything that can stem from these could be considered secondary basic human rights, but don't get what I mentioned at the start of this article confused with these.
Any questions?